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Old 11-28-2011, 08:12 AM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Originally Posted by mikeo80 View Post

A very well thought out "history" of Krell. I LIKE IT!!!!!

A few very minor nits.

If I were a Krell Warlord, and the Boss is asleep, I might substitute myself for the Boss??!!?? Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutly

This might explain why Krell power is not as much as it could have been.
I've debated this one for some time, this is why I went with several Warlords holding co-equal power....if one starts a power grab, then there is a safe guard to take out the deviant....and with the followers brainwashed from birth to believe in Krell the God, then there is a check in case all of the Warlords try to overthrow.

As far as the ship in Final Watch, I would say it is probably sail, or at most coal fired steam. 150 years have passed, tech has degraded but steam is a viable tech to maintain. Steam worked for about 100-120 years as a source of power transformation.
I see the ship as being powered by sail and steam, fuel supplies may run short but the wind is always there sort of thing. The thing that I questioned was if Krell is in the Midwest......then how and why is he on the Pacific coast? The weak part of the modules has always been that the background was never consistent.

As far as Krell being stopped by the M60 in the Lucifer module, the Krell encountered were small squads. 10 - 20 at most. I can see a 105mm canon, a .30 cal coax and a .50 commander mount being MORE than enough to keep Krell off of the bridge. However, upstream or downstream crossings????
Small squads attacking across a bridge against a dug-in tank....I'd bet on the tank, especially if the attackers had no anti-tank weapons. But Lucifer had a drive northwards by Krell, surely there were larger formations to provide the necessary punch?

Krell nuking Prime, along with a variation of AIDS virus that works much faster.

This has been a major discussion point here on the board. Having a nuke...Maybe. Knowing how to make it go BANG...ok. Genetic manipulation of the AIDS virus genome??? In 1987-1992 time era??? Not even plausable.

The one scenario that was discussed and made some sense, the USSR somehow detected the construction of Prime, and visited the site with a strategic nuke. Heck, if the US Govt kinda sorta knew about Prime, (I.E. Snake Eater teams to keep watch on Morrow.) then I could see the KGB knowing, then the Russian Strategic Missle Force has one more target!!
Krell's destruction of Prime Base always struck me as poorly thought out. If one suspected that a base of the enemy was in the area, then a biological/chemical weapon makes sense. But if there was any suspicion that a major base was present, then why nuke it, why not 2-3,000 of your loyal troops to besiege the base, attack the base, take over the base? There had to be a reason why the Grand Deception was undertaken, some suspicion that Krell had to know the location of Prime.
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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