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Old 02-11-2012, 09:32 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
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Originally Posted by waiting4something View Post
Or Spartan symbols.... oh no we don't want people to think we all get together and have gay orgies.
That's more of an Athenian thing than Spartan.

Originally Posted by waiting4something
Scout Snipers have been using sig rune style letters for a long time. SS- Scout Snipers.
No one's suggesting that SS isn't a perfectly reasonable abbreviation for Scout Snipers. That some Scout Snipers choose to render those 2 letters in exactly the same style as the Nazi SS used, well that's bound to be offensive to some people.

Originally Posted by waiting4something
If this offends people, then to bad.
Now we get to the crux of it. It's an easy thing to say, but it shows a distinct lack of empathy. If someone said something to you that you found offensive, are you saying that "then to (sic) bad" would apply to you, too? Or would you say or do something to make it known that you were offended?
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