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Old 02-12-2012, 06:59 PM
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I'm sorry I really still don't see anything wrong with Marine Scout Snipers using sig-rune style letters. If we backdown to everything that some group finds offensive what can we use? We our self become nazi's banning everything. I see no probelm with the stars and bars either. It's like when people have to change a school mascot name because, it offends someone. I don't how we can still have a stars and stripes flag, we did some bad shit under that. As long as your expressions are not taking away someones freedom or physically hurting them there really shouldn't be a issue.

For so reason anything dealing with WWII Germany is always a hot topic. I knew this posting would be more then a few posters. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up locked like the last time. I think the reason why nazi's are always the biggest bad guy on the block issue, is because brainwashing from Hollywood. Imperial Japan gets nowhere close to the attention level.