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Old 02-29-2012, 04:43 AM
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FMDeCorba FMDeCorba is offline
Field marshal with an itch
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 190

Y´all welcome of course - but I won´t insist. I´m for whatever gets it off the ground, this has dragged on a bit too long.

Btw Sanchez, didn´t you use it as an argument that it would be easier to get two days off for nerdism if took place somewhere else? It would be nice to have you around for the initial rounds as well.

On a different note, although that´s probably not an option this time around, I suggest we get together at HQ´s place sometime during this fiscal - or shall we say geekal - year. That way, I can combine it with familial duties - and, if we manage to make it an extended weekend in season it can be set off with a day of duck hunting! Can you imagine a better combination - a dash of healthy outdoors activities to balance out the utter depravity that is sure to follow, not to mention the chance of getting tits de canard for dinner!

HQ - Can you imagine this, or does your mind clutter with the inevitable logistic challenges?

Fieldmarshal DeCorba
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