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Old 04-18-2012, 07:59 PM
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Default 2013 vs 2000 2.2 and house rule questions

Ok guys so earlier I spoke to some issues I had with the 2.2 rules. Essentially I was looking for equal realism (or close to it) with a more stream line process. Many people pointed me at 2013 (3.0). I found it for a good deal and after digging into it I have to say that the Reflex System seem stupidly complex. Not that its a difficult concept or that in the end the math is hard, but there are many nuances to the way modifiers are added or subtracted, MoF/MoS, proficiency at a skill, then simply adding up all the possible modifiers for any task that is being attempted. After reading the first Rule chapter I nearly had a heart attack at the though of dealing with a firefight that dealt with any number of combatants, in a poor weather and visibility condition and at varying ranges with varying skills and equipment. I mean the number of modifiers that need to be looked at alone is a bog for time and draws from game play (from what I can see).

So what I'd like to know is what if any work arounds and or house rules has anyone come up with. A few thoughts I had was simply moving to a percentile system and using MoF/MoS, or moving to the 2.2 skill resolution and doing the same deal with MoF/MoS.

Me that am what I am
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