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Old 04-19-2012, 08:42 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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For me personally I like to have a realistic rules set to go along with T2K's realistic setting. I feel that "rools lite" systems that sacrifice realism (and complexity) in the name of streamlining play work best for game genres with a more "cinematic" or "fantastic" feel. Generally speaking, the people in my regular playing group feel the same way.

I feel that the way the 2013 rules can be scaled up or down in complexity covers many bases. I'd be surprised if anyone felt that the Stage 1 2013 combat rules were too complex and stifled smooth game play because of it. The Stage 1 2013 rules are pretty bloody straight forward.

Ever since I played Runequest during the 1980s I've had a preference for d100 based systems. D20, D10 and D6 systems always seem so dumbed-down to me. If I wanted to streamline things to that extent I'd probably go for one of the Palladium games. The Recon rules would work passably well for a T2K campaign. Still a bit rules lite for my tastes though.
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