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Old 04-19-2012, 09:46 AM
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Medic Medic is offline
Resident Medic, Crazy Finn
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: In the cold north called Finland
Posts: 265

I'm with Targan on the complexity of Phase I -rules as well as the want for realism. Being a micromanager-RPGer, I have the tendency of being absolutely anal about things like gear and such - it has to be portrayed accurately. I also want accuracy both in how things are done and what they result - I used to play in a campaign "Charlie Don't Surf" in the Finnish RopeCon for years, where the combat was modelled with Phoenix Command (the DM had a software programmed that was used instead of all the tables in the books) and you could really talk about accuracy, since a hit to the abdomen gave you a pretty good image what happened: "So, a hit to the abdomen - penetrates through the muscles, spleen, pancreas, bowel, glances off the vertebrae, scratches the left kidney and exits through the back".

Reflex System is a decently realistic system that really makes one shot, one kill possible. It streamlines some things like the non-essential skills that would not probably get used too much in a broken world, but they can be protrayed through the stats and degrees, so it's not such a big deal.

I can only tip my hat at Tegyrius and the others, who were behind the damage/ballistics system in the game and hope, some day the formulas for weapon designing for the game would come in to public use. Until that, I'll have to create my own versions of weapons I want by comparing their stats to such weapons that have rules provided.

Yes, the history part leaves some people rather cold towards the game, but from what I understood, the history was left a bit vague because it allows the players (and especially gamemasters/narrators/mission directors/what'ca-call-'ems) more opportunities for coming up with new potential campaigns.
"Listen to me, nugget, and listen good. Don't go poppin' your head out like that, unless you want it shot off. And if you do get it shot off, make sure you're dead, because if you ain't, guess who's gotta drag your sorry ass off the field? Were short on everything, so the only painkiller I have comes in 9mm doses. Now get the hell out of my foxhole!" - an unknown medic somewhere, 2013.
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