Thread: Urban Farming
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Old 06-28-2012, 07:49 PM
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WallShadow WallShadow is offline
Ephemera of the Big Ka-Boom
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Default Inspiration

The last few weeks I've been brainstorming Urban Farming, New York City, the gold, the Duke, the Mayor, the Acting Mayor, the Harbor Rats, firetrucks, solar power and lots of things that are apparently coming together--I'm going to compile my notes to see if I have enough stuff to put together an adventure/source book for the Big Apple, post- AoTN; and since "Rotten to the Core" has already been used for the 2300 franchise, my working title is "Beside the Golden Door"

Set a year or two from the original Armies of the Night, I'm going to have to figure out who lived, who died, what (if anything) happened to the gold, who is in power and who is out of favor, how the political map has changed, what conditions the people are living under, and what internal and external forces are working on them. Is civilization returning or has the infighting sapped the recuperative energies of the surviving populace? I will also throw out a few surprises and twists. For instance, those rumors about just what _had_ been going on at those government labs on the eastern end of Long Island, what cargo did the chronically-ill fisherman haul over from the mainland under extreme secrecy, and just who _is_ "Old Tuck", really???

I hope I can keep my interest level up to where all this stuff gels and I can set it down in a cohesive and interesting format. Wish me luck!
"Let's roll." Todd Beamer, aboard United Flight 93 over western Pennsylvania, September 11, 2001.
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