Thread: WWIII Wargaming
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Old 07-10-2012, 06:38 PM
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Tegyrius Tegyrius is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
Has anybody here played any of the Ambush Alley series of wargames? I have not but they have one dedicated to a "Cold War Gone Hot" (the game title).
I haven't had a chance to play (yet), but I own the Force on Force core rulebook, the Cold War Gone Hot sourcebook, and the Tomorrow's War sci-fi variant core book. Based on a couple-three readings and one very brief online interaction with the design team, my short take is that it's a promising rules system that could do with (1) a competent copyeditor and (2) a stronger understanding of the difference between house rules and professionally published product.

Most of my problems with the game are in the details of its execution. Conceptually, it makes me very happy. The core resolution system is simple and elegant, though the sheer number of optional rules hanging off that basic framework can be overwhelming on first encounter. Focus, as Chris noted, is on troop quality, not weapons - in short, the men, not the tools. Troop quality determines the type of dice you roll for just about everything (d6, d8, d10, or d12, with your target for all rolls remaining at 4), while more or bigger weapons just add more dice. The initiative system is something I wish I'd seen before I wrote Reflex's.

- C.
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