Thread: WWIII Wargaming
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Old 07-10-2012, 07:57 PM
Graebarde Graebarde is offline
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Adm. Lee I played the SPI series back when they came out.. I was in Fuerth Germany at the time, and the Cold War was still very much with us. It was gut wrenching in the Fulda Gap..

As to using figures for T2K, back when I started playing we had Saturday night sessions at a fellows place where he had FIVE 4x8 sheets of plywood and moveable terrain features complete with trees. First session I went to his place he had a 'diarama' (sp) set up of a village where the characters were (that night there were TWELVE players. When we got to Krakow he set up a section of the city, compete with walls... Gene (rip) had owned a hobby shop, and worked with models for years. There were BOXES and BOXES of buildings, vehicles, and figures, as well as mundane things he would put in a building that could be found if character entered the building.

He could field a US tanks and mech battalion on a scale of 1:1 for vehicles, also the same for the Soviets and British.. modern (cold war) or WW2, in which he brought out his German battalions.. all in HO.. quite a show it was..

We FINALLY convinced him it slowed the game WAY down to go to the work and detail, and to use items for reference.

Over the course of several years when it came to the Vistuala ride, I built a 'representation' of the tug, barge, and several other vessels in 1:96 water line from balsa when I was laid up for a month. They were a hit, but not the detail of a model.. they did serve the purpose.. We used them for our Going Home.. which ended the campaign in Boston Harbor.

haven't done a FTF in almost 20 years... or played any board games that I use to play regularly... Still have the GDW WW3 series though.

Ah the memories...
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