Thread: WWIII Wargaming
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Old 07-12-2012, 03:55 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
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Originally Posted by Tegyrius View Post
I'll admit that part of my copyediting gripe stems from the fact that I'm a writer who tends toward mentally rewriting everything he reads. With all due respect to AAG, though, if you're gonna play in the professional publishing field, you need to be publishing professional-grade English. I'm sorry, but the "small company" excuse doesn't sit well with me when I look at what companies like Posthuman Studios (three guys doing Eclipse Phase) are putting out.

Also, yeah, I wrote for the Wolf for a while, but don't forget the more recent gig I had with a much smaller firm. The Wolf has had its share of copyediting failures, too. I've thrown books across the room when I found grammatical errors in final product that weren't in the manuscripts I turned in, and I grit my teeth every time I see frickin' Scribendi given "editing" credits.

Having said all that, none of it breaks the game for me, and I suspect I'm in the tiny, tiny minority of readers who'd ever lose focus upon encountering inconsistent capitalization.
I hear ya! I have similar problems watching TV news or listening to radio news bulletins. I'm the supervisor of a government media monitoring unit, creating and editing summaries of TV and radio news reports and radio talkback, speed-reading newspaper articles, feeding summaries, transcripts and audio-visual files to ministerial offices, checking and editing transcripts and training others in the afore mentioned skills.

When I'm sitting at home watching TV news I can't help summarising it in my head. I also can't help but automatically mentally spell and grammar check and otherwise edit anything I read, including forum posts and RPG rules.
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