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Old 12-05-2012, 10:11 PM
bobcat bobcat is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 410

some of the elements can be disguised as construction companies and small mining operations(to explain the heavy equipment moving in and out)

science teams would need less cover when moving in as would the specialists in some cases. the recon and mars teams are the ones that would require significant concealment. though the two major hubs would be harder to conceal. most of the logistics can be hidden under layers of shell companies.

and since morrow did have several large corporate leaders in his pocket some of it can even be disguised under the banner of those companies.

just a few quick thoughts.
the best course of action when all is against you is to slow down and think critically about the situation. this way you are not blindly rushing into an ambush and your mind is doing something useful rather than getting you killed.
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