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Old 12-16-2012, 01:25 AM
Mahatatain Mahatatain is offline
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Originally Posted by B.T. View Post
@ Mahatatain:

Just out of curiosity: How will you handle it?
Sorry for taking a while to reply.

I just simply handled this by tweaking the Range stat for the M4 in my game - I increased it to 50m and while this is lower than the M16A2 (55m) the difference is small enough to remove this issue.

My reasoning for this was the effective range figures on Wikipedia.
- M16 - 550 meters (point target)
- M4 - 500 meters (point target)

I don't know enough about the respective rifles to know whether that logic is flawed but it worked for me in the game.

The point about bulk stats affecting initiative and that being a bonus for M4 over the M16 is also a good one but I won't unfortunately get to implement that in my campaign. The new FTF T2k campaign that I was starting has collapsed as my players found the Post Apoc T2k setting to dark and not escapist enough for them - they much prefer the rather simplistic high fantasy type games that another member of the group runs. As a result we've had to shift back to some bland D&D clone world where each encounter seems to focus around defeating the latest weird monster of the week, which is extremely frustrating for me as a roleplayer as I feel like I'm now back playing games similar to those I played as a teenager in the 1980's and I find that a rather dull roleplaying experience....
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