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Old 05-02-2013, 12:55 PM
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Webstral Webstral is offline
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I put in marigolds yesterday. Once the corn and pumpkins sprout, I'll put some marigolds in the open spaces. Hopefully, they'll do okay in the gaps. I also put marigolds along a strip at the back of the plot and more in the corners where I'm growing sunflowers.

Potatoes... I want to plant some, but I don't have the space. I'd also like to put in basil because basil is so danged expensive. $3.00 for a bunch that will make just enough pesto to cover four drumsticks. Highway robbery, that. What I really need is more containers (and, of course, soil to go in them). With containers I can make better use of the deck, which gets lots of sun and otherwise serves no good purpose. Then I can move the contents of the herb garden and use that plot for potatoes, onions, and garlic. I'm trying to look ahead to Thanksgiving. It would be nice to have potatoes from my own yard for the occasion.
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