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Old 06-09-2013, 04:08 PM
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Webstral Webstral is offline
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I'm now up to 6 potato plants. I also found a resource online about using my Compost Tumblr, which is supposed to provide compost in two weeks instead of 3-6 months. This is all very exciting! I still haven't cracked the code on growing clover, but I now have a local resource for answering my gardening questions. It's all very exciting!

For the future (I don't know how distant), I want to run an experiment on carbon dioxide in the greenhouse. Some time ago, I read about a greenhouse experiment in which the carbon dioxide levels in a greenhouse were artificially elevated to more than 200% their natural levels. Plant growth accelerated dramatically. I have been wondering if one could not bump carbon levels to 1000% of their natural levels in a hydroponic hothouse (or cold house, for that matter) to double or triple the growth rate of vegetables that resist "traditional" mechanized agriculture. The drawback to this method is that any workers would need to have a respiration system. Worker safety issues would have to be sorted out in procedure and even in the design of the greenhouse. But it you could get tomatoes every 30 days as a result, the effort might be worthwhile. I must find out how I can get a government grant.
“We’re not innovating. We’re selectively imitating.” June Bernstein, Acting President of the University of Arizona in Tucson, November 15, 1998.
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