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Old 09-02-2013, 05:51 PM
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Raellus Raellus is offline
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Here's what I've added for the DIA station and the Folgore MD:

DIA Station, Vienna

Despite the Soviet occupation, the DIA continues to operate a station in Vienna. The current station chief is a German-born American DIA officer by the name of Michael Foster. When the Soviets invaded, he assumed the identity of an Austrian businessman under the alias Stefan Faust. Before the prewar DIA station was shut down, Faust was able to remove and relocate some of its high-powered secure communications equipment and, by sparse, judicious use and frequent relocations, has been able to keep in touch with higher headquarters. Faust is assisted by a small staff of American and Austrian personnel. The station's most prized asset is an Austrian civil engineer by the name of Angela Albrecht. She has been employed by the Soviets in assisting in the repair of the regional power grid. In this capacity, she travels the Pact-controlled portions of the country, usually with a small escort of Soviet soldiers, surreptitiously collecting information and passing instructions to field agents and informers. Despite continual attempts by the KGB and GRU to uncover and shut down the American intelligence gathering operations in Austria, Faust and his people have managed to elude capture and built capacity, developing a modest but effective spy network.

Italian Folgore Mechanized Division*

The division is currently stationed in northeastern Austria, under PACT control. It's commanding officer, Tenente-Colonnello (Lieutenant-Colonel) Roberto Falvi, is a life-long Christian-Democrat opposed in principle, at least, to the Warsaw Pact-allied, socialist Italian coalition government. A professional career soldier, he has this far remained loyal and, despite his suspect political leanings, retained his command. Falvi would, however, like to return to Italy and use his division to effect political change there. He has recently been contacted by a representative of the DIA station, encouraged to defect (along with his troops), and promised DIA assistance. At the moment, he is seriously considering this offer. It is a long way home, though, and the Soviets are not likely to allow him to leave peacefully. Falvi is biding his time and looking for an opportunity to break away from his PACT overlords.


I've run into a bit of a problem with the ORBATs. When I created a summer 2000 map, I placed a few U.S. and German in Austria with city locations- trouble is, I can't remember where I got the city information from. Most units in the U.S. Army Vehicle Guide are only listed as being in a particular country, but no city is specified. The same is true of the Soviet units listed as being in Austria (no cities are mentioned).

Now, fast forward to the time of Going Home and exact cities are listed for both NATO and WTO forces in Austria. In many cases, units have moved. For example, in the U.S. Vehicle Guide, an American unit is listed as being in Linz (once again, I can't remember where I found this) on July 1st, while in Going Home, Linz is occupied by a Soviet unit. I'm not sure which information to include in the sourcebook.

What should I do? Should I just list units known to be in Austria as of July 1, 2000 (the date units in the vehicle guides are listed as being in-country) and then give specific locations for the units left in the winter of 2000-2001, as given by Going Home? I can't expand on the 1-40 MIR until I've figured this out.

I want Austria to be playable using my sourcebook from July 1, 2000 onward, keeping continuity with what's already been mentioned in canon.
Author of Twilight 2000 adventure modules, Rook's Gambit and The Poisoned Chalice, the campaign sourcebook, Korean Peninsula, the gear-book, Baltic Boats, and the co-author of Tara Romaneasca, a campaign sourcebook for Romania, all available for purchase on DriveThruRPG:

Last edited by Raellus; 09-02-2013 at 07:29 PM.
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