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Old 10-31-2013, 08:22 PM
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Brother in Arms Brother in Arms is offline
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I had a few thoughts....

One has anyone ever seen the show hoarders? Now most of these people on the show hoard garbage and junk not fit to be around but some of them hoard things like Books and tools. My old boss legitimately was a firearms, ammunition and accessories hoarder. Some people hoard canned food and batteries and household goods useful things to the end of world traveler. My moms house is a mixture of all the above!

The second thought was Liberty tool shed and captain Tinkhams.....two real places here in Maine that have nothing but antique tools and farm equipment!!!!

I read that John Denver was a gas hoarder in the 1970's had several underground tanks full of gasoline/petrol on his property.

Perhaps these are all easy ideas and there could be something more bizzare but also useful.....

what about a place with functioning hot water? Say a farm house with a wood boiler and gravity feed water tank (not that uncommon here in the north east)

ill think of more soon
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