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Old 02-11-2014, 12:15 PM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Can't say it's a subject I've ever given any thought to. Off the top of my head I'd be inclined to say that the US would be wary about making any military sales to the new Iranian Government in case it fell and the Revolutionaries came back into power. Admittedly it has been a long time since I read the timeline in the RDF Sourcebook so can't remember when the new Government - was it the Iran Nowin? - came to power / how long they were in power before the War started, etc. Presume there was still an Iran / Iraq War? (To be honest, I just never RDF timeline and the way the Iranians became a US ally...and then we had the Israelis showing me it was all a bit of a deus ex machina and a little unrealistic...I much preferred the scenario put forward in Harold Coyle's Sword Point - for those who haven't read it, you should - following a Soviet invasion of Iran the Soviets, the US, and the Iranians all end up fighting each other). answer at least part of your question, I don't think the US would have sold anything particularly new or modern to the Iranians for at least a few years after the Iran Nowin came to power...I think the RDF sourcebook makes reference to Iranian F16's?
Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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