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Old 03-12-2014, 11:10 AM
.45cultist .45cultist is offline
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Originally Posted by ArmySGT. View Post
Hmmm anyone ever had the Team by pass the MDU?

That little bit with the big robot tank eating a snowmobile is supposed to intrigue the Team.

Secondly did anyones Team tell the Local "tough luck, sorry bout dat" and then follow the MDU back to Damocles?

More effort was placed in fleshing out the Village and the Encounters. The "Cons" could have been fleshed out more. Give the Team a second Mission effort there.

The Team Mission brief is weak. "Hey go look around, Remember the Directive".
Why is a small scale Team with a mission to scout so much Geographic area reporting this all the way back to Prime Base? Which is completely out of the Teams radio range to Transmit to. The Team should be wondering where their Combined Group Leader is, with strange activity on Isle Royale, the Teams first priority would be to link up with other Teams.

Damocles. Ok the cliched Sentient Computer. Nicely this one is grudgingly cooperative, once all his other options are taken away. No damn way would I as Team Leader rely on that thing, let alone hook it up to remnants of the US DoD infrastructure. Is it Hal 900, Skynet, or Robbie the Robot?

Why isn't there a Snake Eater Team or other "Frozen" asset in the area to do something about a "Compromised" Damocles, or a berzerk one?

The maps........ like the other Maps in the modules, damn near worthless.

The Vehicles.................. Some planner needs kicked in the nuts if the XR-311 was thought to be a good fit. Duh Team Members freezing to death is not a good idea. A V-150 APC or better a Bov 206 SUSV.

Snow shoes but not Snow skis or Sledge for dismounted look around?

If they are a non Standard Team not operating with other Teams why do they have a Standard radio? Why not in addition a long range AM Radio? Would not affect Canon much at all as there is no one else (friendly) to talk to.

No Soviets? This is a great modules to introduce some Soviets! Make the Team paranoid about what that facility with the gun mounts might be. Remnants of a Soviet Airborne, GRU (LR Recon), or Spetnaz unit that has married local and taken some of the cons to bolster their ranks. Maybe they have been resupplied after 150 years? Maybe they are in communication with Soviet Command structure remnants in the Urals.

The Damocles base. An elevator shaft? That is the sole entrance? Only one elevator shaft too. Really. Nothing must ever break, like say a elevator winch motor, or car cable breaks. Stairs. There should be stairs. Doesn't mean they door at the surface is weak, the DoD has lots of experience making missile silo crew doors.

The Damocles base were are the connections to the outside world? How did the phones connect to call the Pentagon? Satellite phone? Data cables?

Where is the supply and support section? The Motor Pool is the gound level, and the Fusion plant is in the basement. Where is water treatment? Sewerage? Power distribution to other areas?

The road that leads to the Main Gate. What former roads and highways does this join too?
The army's experimental M116 would have been another nice fit.
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