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Old 02-24-2009, 07:45 PM
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Targan Targan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Originally Posted by Slappy
I also think that California and the other Pacific states will go largely insular, if only for reasons of geography. California is separated from the rest of the country by fairly serious deserts and mountains in most areas. They are crossable using pre-industrial means (Lewis and Clark did it and the Native Americans for centuries) but it would be difficult to maintain reliable communication/trade and effective control across the rockies and the desert southwest.
I can totally relate to this. One look at a map will show you how isolated my city is from Australia's other big cities. Thousands of miles of desert to the east. After the Twlight war the rail line would be the best way to reach the rest of Australia and if that wasn't an option it would have to be by ship. Or maybe camel train like the good ole days (yes Australia used to use camel caravans extensively).
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