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Old 06-11-2014, 02:24 PM
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Default Tundra Orbits

Once Again I am redesigning my project from scratch. Communications are of course a priority.

I came across this when working on my planning

It seems to me that if the project could put satellites in this orbit before the war (the company using planning to use them goes out of business ) or if it chose to launch a cluster of 3 after the war they could be pretty useful for communications.

You would need tracking software to transmit to it, but as it seems to be a very unusual path for satellites so it probably would be out of the way from a majority of debris that use of any ASAT weapons would cause.

If launched before the war they would need a strong power source (fusion) and serious EMP shielding, but they could lay dormant until the project needs them.

If launched after the war, serious resources would be needed as you would need to put 3 units into a pretty high orbit. One could work but there would be gaps in communication.

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