Thread: Gun questions
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Old 10-07-2008, 02:41 AM
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Default mp 5 and l85

Originally Posted by kcdusk
I normally dont get into weapon discussions. I dont know allot about them, and i really just limit myself to their game stats.

But now, i have two questions.

1) The british L85. Why does it only have a magazine capacity of 20? I thought 30 was the default amount. 20 seems kinda low for an assult rifle. Even the calibre is 5.56 - so i wouldnt have thought it was related to bullet size or anything. Anyone explain why the mag only holds 20?

2) Kind of a gimmicky question, but genuine just the same. The MP-5 has always been portrayed as a superiour weapon. Special teams (SWAT) use them, they're kinda sexy. From my limted reading the weapon is reliable, a nice weight and it all helps the weapon perform "well". Yet its game stats are average, if you didnt know the names of guns, you coudnt pick the MP-5's stats off the page. Is the MP-5 all its cracked up to be? And if so, which stats if any would or should stand out as being above average?
L85 takes STANAG mags as already pointed out by others -the M16 mags are unpopular -or were rather back when I trained with it due to the fact that tapping the mag into the well to hard could jam it in there and jam the cation too.The squaddies just to say it was a pos and that the original mags that came with the rifle were superior .In a platoon there would always be a few non descript mags .ar15 types ,probably civillian manufactureres etc floating in the mag-pool so to say for various reasons .Some were swapped in joint traiinig,some were bought and used in secrecy by the squaddie that lost his but didnt want to say anything ,some were mixed up at the quartermasters etc etc .(A GM could give his players faulty mags too-there seem to be more faulty ones than good ones offered on th enet these days anyways)

The MP5 -used to be standard smg for the Norwegian military -still is I suppose- many agencies/militaries use them. They are efficient,reliable ,accurate -as far as SMGs are ,similar in some ways to other HK weapons such as G3 etc .I liked my MP5A3 ( I think it was) with the collapsible stock etc .It was issued to squad leaders who have a AnPRC-77,laser range finder,maps,compass,night vision etc etc to lug around too,drivers,gunners,crew men ,MPs,rear echelon types etc etc .

I liked the small weight,its handy, and the reliability -almost never a jam or other troubles,pretty accurate too up to 100 m .But I remember thinking on the big live fire exercises that the MP5 really is somewhat of a pea shoother compared to the rifles etc in a company -more of a self defence weapon or possibly for trench fighting or some such .

many other smgs are probably just as good or better -but the MP5 is solid.
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