Thread: FM DeCorba
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:43 AM
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FMDeCorba FMDeCorba is offline
Field marshal with an itch
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 190

Fine. I adress my men, informing them of the decision to become the 1st California Volunteer Assault Brigade. The unit will maintain its established traditions and doctrines.

Originally Posted by headquarters
Your criticizm smacks of "everything my PC tries his hand at goes well regardless of the multitude of variables that could go wrong"-ism ,but doesnt annoy me one bit
Really, theres that REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM again. My criticism was aimed at the perception of a conversation that sounded something like: -"I want to make sure everything is completely destroyed and useless, no one shall be able to make use of anything there"
-"OK, your men make it happen" -"OK".
I can see that some misunderstandings can arise from this, I think however the GM interpretation in question came somewhat late, making it smack of "if it fits my storytelling needs, I will make it turn out that way, regardless of the impression previously conveyed to the players"-ism.

Fieldmarshal DeCorba
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