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Old 02-18-2015, 08:54 AM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
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Originally Posted by unkated View Post
A couple things from skimming through this
  1. Once upon a time, I devised a New England campaign setting, before Howling Wilderness came out. My New England was much more settled and centralized; it included (forcibly) recultivating the potato country of northern Maine. (As well as some large chunks of New York, CT, and Massachusetts.
  2. The fishing industry will take a couple years to figure out how to re-rig for sail. (say 1998-2000) OTOH, the lack of fishery for a couple of years and the reduction of international fishermen will greatly allow the fish stocks to come back.
  3. I'm picturing a scene in a post-apocalypic bar...
    Barkeep: "Pepsi! We ain't had none since..."
    Tough guy: "Listen, you! The Cola Wars is over..."

Uncle Ted
Great idea for an adventure there - your team gets hired by an "entrepeneur" who wants to have you retrieve the formula for Coke from the vault where it was stored in order to restart syrup production and thus giving him the only operational soft drink facility in the Western Hemisphere
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