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Old 03-31-2015, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Badbru View Post
In one encounter my character had a PK gpmg prone firing three 5rnd bursts per turn, so I was loosing dice on the third burst per turn but thought it was worth it. I was firing at approaching infantry in light woods and managed to fire off the entire 100rnd belt and only scored one hit. Had to retreat (run away) when they started spamming us with nades which is how close they got. In my opinion those kind of results are not kind on they player considering we're playing world war 3 survivors. An considering the effectiveness of machineguns on the modern battlefield since world war one, not very realistic either.
Counting all the re-rolls from misses that should have been set aside and rolled against the advancing enemies you just had terrible luck in this case. If you had 99 misses, that would be an additional 49 dice for a rollicking total of 149 rolls of ye old d20. Even if you were hitting on 3's (meaning your asset was 12) you should have gotten over 20 hits! Getting only a single hit! I suck at probabilities, but wow it must be pretty low. Edit-Even losing dice for firing too many bursts, you still should have been rolling around 100 or more dice too hit.

If you consider statistics from actual firefights with auto-fire weapons, the ratio of hits compared to bullets expended is astronomical. Basically, everyone should be hitting on less than 1' on a d20. Now that would make for lousy game play, but surely it would be more realistic.

I have never had any major issues with auto-fire rules in 2.2, but did add an option for characters with a skill of 8+ to fire bursts with a single to hit roll, adding extra hits from the burst based on margin of success. This was intended to please those players whose character's have real professional shooting skills.
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