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Old 08-25-2015, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
Funny you should mention it but I too have been thinking about a new game these last few days.
I'm in the situation where I'd be advertising at my Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS) for players and with that in mind, many of them are going to be 20- or 30-somethings with me and the game store owner as the oldest gamers at the table (him, late 40s, me 50). Fortunately for me, my FLGS has a game room so location is easy to sort out and I can pretty much count on the FLGS owner to be one of the players.

So with all that in mind I've been rethinking the start of a T2k campaign and with the type of players I can get (who are probably all going to be new faces to me with the exception of the FLGS owner), I'm thinking of going with a variation of D&D's tired old "You all meet in a tavern" trope.
In this case however I was thinking of having the PCs meet at a military evacuation point and have them be told that there are too many people to evacuate and because the world has fallen apart, the governments no longer truly exist and the military doesn't have enough resources to look after you anymore so you'll have to look after yourselves... "Good luck because from here on, you're on your own."

But given the majority of the players I'm likely to get, I'm specifically going to be pushing for a survival and rebuilding game rather than any "Keep fighting the nasty commies" type game and I'm also probably going to advance the timeline to 2020... Twilight: 2020. So my game would be something akin to the rebuild civilization mission of The Morrow Project game but in this case, the PCs have to recover all the cool gear themselves before they can start rebuilding... and they have to survive long enough to be able to get themselves into a position before they can even start rebuilding.

This is my current line of thought regarding a timeline to 2020, based on real events up to now (2015).
Russia continues to gobble up former Warsaw Treaty nations until NATO is finally pushed into doing something. Fighting is conventional but the Russians pay the Chinese to conduct cyber warfare against NATO until the point where the Russians start to default on their payments to the Chinese. The Chinese conduct cyber thefts against the Russian banks/treasury in retaliation. Russia and China go to war. Russia nukes the Chinese, the Chinese nuke Russia right back, Russian command figures "What the hell, let's use nukes on everybody and also chemical and bio weapons". World goes to hell in a handbasket.
So some troops that were dunkirked out of Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines?
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