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Old 09-07-2015, 12:31 PM
tsofian tsofian is offline
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Default Air Morrow

As a first principal I always had Morrow Project do its shopping in cancelled military procurement. During the period that the Project was active 1950 to TEOTWAWKI (1989 in original canon) there were a lot of projects that produced some exciting equipment that for one reason or another never entered full production. In my Project (YMMV) I had them scoop up a number of these sets of hardware, convert them to fusion/electric drive and otherwise Morrowize them.

For aircraft I chose Vertical Take off systems only but that gives a really nice choice of platforms. These are some I chose

XC-142 Tilt wing cargo aircraft 5 build
CL-88 Tilt Wing light aircraft 4 built
XV-15 Tiltrotor light aircraft 2 built
AH-56A Cheyenne Compound helicopter Gunship 12 built

These I positioned as follows
XC-142s at Prime base replacing or supplementing the C-130s in canon
XV-15 at Prime Base
Four "aviation bases" each with either four Cheyennes or the four CL-84s. These would be scattered about but within range of supporting each other and Prime Base and possibly the Back Up Base as well

Last edited by tsofian; 09-07-2015 at 12:55 PM.
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