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Old 09-08-2015, 06:53 AM
tsofian tsofian is offline
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And what role do you see for the XV-15, when it seats two and can carry perhaps 1500 pounds?

Liaison air ambulance

And in case it was not obvious, I agree that post-war you cannot count on supplies, my point is that getting everything pre-war is already hard enough without making it harder.

And yet we still have V-150's and Stoners and flamethrowers in the official list of gear? They can roll off all the extra airframes they want, but doesn't that seem like a big expenditure of Morrow resources for a handful of marginally (on paper) superior aircraft?

EVERYTHING IS ON PAPER. If in my fictional world my fictional project planners go a different way than your fictional project planners because my fictional morrow industries had fictional resourses that your fictional one did not I really think it's ok. Your fictional planners are conservative. For the most part mine are as well. That being said mine also decided that if possible they would get some riskier more cutting edge gear as well.

They don't have to keep the flight test programs secret. Sikorsky ran the S-67 Blackhawk program in the open for years. Heck morrow might be under a NASA contract or a Darpa one.

I have always had an oppositloope reaction from players with the more "fun" items. I have never seen anyone look at MARS 1 or the Airscout and not say "that's stupid". There are some unique items that are essential to the game or are an abstraction for dealing with stuff no one wanted to spend time on anyway, but a lot of the weapon and vehicle selections are pretty impractical and some are outright dumb, and I don't see a new reason to add new items to that list.[/QUOTE]

I have had good luck with airscouts. We had a team of four scouts and eight hummers to tow and support them and it worked very well.

As I started off ymmv
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