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Old 09-09-2015, 05:16 PM
tsofian tsofian is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 342

I was looking for something a bit more specific:
Did everyone in the base do an hours of yoga every day?
Was Physical activity mandatory?
Did everyone go to group therapy once a week?
Were there specific types of therapy or counseling that might prove more effective?
How big a staff of therapists were available?
Was there a weekly movie night? Was the holographic room used as a planetarium so people could "see" the night sky?
Was there some form of periscope leave?
Was there a large amount of craft equipment kept for therapy (model building, wood working, pottery, painting etc.)?
So very little is better for moral than sex. Did the Project have professional sex therapists/surrogates that provided more intimate services than just talking therapy?
Was the water in the base chlorinated, fluoridated AND thorizinated (just a joke)

What if someone in the base absolutely could not deal with it? Would they be frozen? Was there an "Island of Misfit Toys" bolt hole someplace were all the people who couldn't handle Prime Base were basically stashed? If that place was Prime Base did the frozen patients survive the plague? Could a group of player characters wake them up? If so this could lead to some very strange adventures!
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