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Old 03-18-2009, 09:15 PM
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Targan Targan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Originally Posted by jester
Why yes, I have the lil bunnies hopping through my backyard all the time. I also have hawks perched on a powerpole just out my back window, the odd skorpion in my garage and kitchen as well as a rattler in the garage once, and all maner of other small wildlife in my backyard. The perks of the backyard abutting a wildlife preserve, I litteraly open the gate to my back fence, then open the gate to the county fence and I am in a nature preserve. I bike along the newly made bike trail and a couple miles up I encounter a "Danger Mountain Lion" sign. And up until a few years ago they had wild pig running in the cane fields of the river bottom, being that they tend to hearty lil critters they will probably make their way back in a couple years.
Here in Perth is common for suburban back yards to contain a variety of deadly beasties, mostly snakes and spiders. Actually its mostly the snakes that are deadly around here (red back spiders usually won't kill an adult human). Over east they have funnelweb spiders that will kill you dead. Most Australians are aware of the dangers of snakes in back yard wood piles and sheds. Nasty way to go.

Now mountain lions, wow, that's a whole other deal. Cool and a bit concerning at the same time. Same goes for bears. I think bears seem like pretty impressive creatures but I wouldn't like to be attacked by one. You have some scary fauna in the CONUS.

Wild pigs over here are called razorbacks and they can get pretty darned big. Over the years a few people have been killed by male red kangaroos, they can disembowel you if you're not careful.
"It is better to be feared than loved" - Nicolo Machiavelli

Last edited by Targan; 03-18-2009 at 10:21 PM.
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