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Old 03-18-2009, 09:32 PM
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Targan Targan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 3,737

Originally Posted by Legbreaker
Nothing compared to what we've got here in Australia. The country is roughly the same size as the US but instead of the 50 or so states they've got over there, we've got just 6 (plus two territories, one small enough to walk across in a day).

Western Australia takes up roughly a third of the entire country and besides the south west corner, it's essentially EMPTY. Get yourself lost out there and maybe somebody might find your bleached bones in a century or two...
So true. I've roamed all over Western Australia since I was a kid and I've only seen a tiny fraction of it. I know the US has some impressive deserts but the continent Legbreaker and I live on is MOSTLY desert. Huge, desolate, unexplored tracts of it.

In mid-April I'm flying to Melbourne to meet my girlfriend and we'll be driving back to Perth. Have a look on a map and you'll see what a truly enormous drive that will be. I've done it a number of times so I'm not daunted at the prospect but large stretches of the trip are going to contain scenery that doesn't change very much.
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