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Old 02-27-2016, 10:02 PM
TrailerParkJawa TrailerParkJawa is offline
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The only place I've seen where dates are given are within some of the modules themselves. I'm assuming there could also be some dates in Challenger articles. Overall based on the description of the TDM it sounds like a small number of key targets were hit the day after Thanksgiving. Then in the weeks that followed the oil refineries were hit.

Here is a cheatsheet I made about 10 years ago based on the material I own:


Nuclear Strikes sources

1. Howling Wilderness, page 6.

The day after Thanksgiving, an orbiting military surveillance
satellite picked up a number of IR signatures, characteristic of
the launch of SLBMs (Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles).
Within minutes, messages were zipping through established
channels and alarms began ringing across the nation.

2. Howling Wilderness, page 7

Throughout the month of December, sporadic nuclear exchanges
continued, and the populace of America panicked.

3. Urban Guerrilla, page 7

On Thanksgiving Day, 1997, Florida (and many other parts
of the nation) was hit by a series of selective nuclear strikes
calculated by the Soviets to disrupt American command, control,
and communications-surgical strikes intended to knock
America out of the war and end the war before the nuclear Armageddon
spread any further.

4. Airlords of the Ozarks, page 20

Washington, D.C., was hit by a nuclear explosion on
Thanksgiving weekend, 1997. Other targets in the U.S. were
hit in the days and weeks that followed. It was not the all-out
exchange feared for decades, but the horror of nuclear war had
at last been unleashed against the continental United States.
Communications and transportation broke down almost at once
as the government declared a state of emergency and preempted
those telecommunications networks which had survived
the missiles, the repeated EMP (electromagnetic pulse) surges,
and inevitable breakdowns

5. Red Star Lone Star, Page 25

On Sunday, November 28, 1997, a one megaton thermonuclear
warhead airburst over the gas and oil fields and the
refineries to the west of Corpus Christi. Several smaller
warheads detonated in the air over other refineries in the vicintity.

6. Armies of the Night, page 7

Much to the surprise of many, New York City was not the
target of Soviet nuclear missiles during the gradually escalating
exchange of nukes in the fall of 1997. Instead, it was the oil
refineries and factories along the Jersey shore which received
the brunt of the enemy strikes. Two New Jersey towns, Linden
and Perth Amboy (both locations of important refineries and oil
storage farms), were hit by thermonuclear warheads on the night
of December 2, 1997.

7. Kidnapped, page 5

Between the years 1997 and 1998 several hundred nuclear
devices were detonated by various warring powers. The Soviets
used them to slow NATO and to wipe out the Chinese, then
to flatten North America and the United Kingdom. NATO used
them to strike at Soviet logistical sites and some European
military targets.

8. Last Submarine, page 32

Boston was not hit during the nuclear attacks of November
1997. When news of the nuclear strikes against Washington
DC and the other areas broke in New England, fear of nuclear
holocaust resurfaced. Widespread rioting in the metropolitan
areas of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts taxed
both the civilian and military police, but settled down within a
few weeks as it became clear that New England was not to be
a target.

9. Last Submarine, page 32

In the few weeks following the first C3 (command, control, and
communications) strikes, roughly 80 percent of the refining
capacity of the nation was destroyed in the fire of nuclear

10. Allegheny Uprising, page 9

Without warning, and almost as an afterthought, the first nuclear
strikes against the continental United States were made on
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 1997.
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