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Old 03-28-2009, 08:29 AM
Littlearmies Littlearmies is offline
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Originally Posted by JimmyRay73
I want to thank you guys for reminding me how tame my daily commute is anymore.

As for craziest driving, I spent a week in Boston learning how much I could love public transportation about a decade ago. Drivers in that town are just nuckin' futs if you catch my meaning. I will only drive in that city if the lives of myself and/or loved ones absolutely depends on it.
Coming from Europe and having driven in America quite a lot I usually tell my friends that Boston is the most European of cities for driving I found LA and most American cities safe but dull to drive around - all those lanes and directions, nobody cutting was like Stepford Wives driving on the surface streets. I liked the freeways though (I enjoyed the "every man for himself" attitude displayed there) and can't see why Europe doesn't bring in Right Turn On Red.

My commute is a 75 minute tube ride across London - which is an excellent way of working your way through a good book.
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