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Old 02-12-2017, 05:55 AM
nuke11 nuke11 is offline
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Originally Posted by WaltShumate View Post
I was looking to convert and run Liberation at Riverton with 4th Edition and it has a bunch of M60's in it. After looking at the Vehicle rules it may not be worth it as they seem so unfinished. Are passengers and crew really only in danger if a 08-13 is rolled on the hit location table? How do you map the locations rolled to the locations on the vehicle integrity check table, are we supposed to use the layouts in the modules?
You have run into one of the inconsistencies in the rules that needs to be fixed. They are not finished by any means as you have noticed.

The best for the time being is to use the hit-locations from the modules that include them for the vehicle you are using, but also realize that they are not included in later modules. The vehicle blueprints for the 3rd edition will also help you figure these out as well.
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