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Old 04-07-2017, 09:22 AM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
It was the shock of the nuclear attacks and the effect on the country that made South Africa change. They lost two cities and the riots afterward caused a lot of deaths as people panicked thinking more were coming. They knew the needed unity or they were not going to be able to hold things together - especially if more nuclear attacks occurred. Conventional attack alone wouldn't have done it - I agree with you there - but seeing the destruction in the US and seeing how China fell apart under nuclear attack made them make a choice they would not have made elsewise.
A nuclear attack on South African cities would probably have impacted the non-white population more as South African whites generally lived in suburbs, small towns and rural areas. This is particularly the case with the Afrikaners who's culture was much more rural based and many of them idolised their past conflicts in South Africa with the blacks and the British during the Boer War. The Afrikaners also generally didn't care for more liberal Anglo-whites to much and had their own sort of parallel society within South Africa. Think loads of belligerent rednecks with loads of guns and military hardware, and loads of 4X4 s and horses. They made up nearly 70% of South Africa's six million white population.

Also South Africa was a para-military state., and a very effective one. They were well prepared for all scenarios due to having a siege mentality, including military invasion and uprisings by the blacks. The white government controlled everything, including power, fuel, water and food supply. South Africa actually became a lot more dangerous as regards to crime and riotous behaviour after the end of white rule, as the black population before the end of apartheid was fairly well behaved considering their lot due the threat of security clamp downs and white retaliation.

Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
And keep in mind - outside of Kenya and Rwanda and areas under French control they have seen Africa fall completely apart. Facing that reality they know how much of a target they are - and that they can't keep the country safe while at the same time repressing the majority of the population
Well that would imply to the South Africans that the only stable parts of Africa are those under the control of Western militaries; France and America. So why would they want to hand over power to black Africans who have let their countries fall apart completely everywhere else in Africa?

Also no other African country is now a major military threat to South Africa, not even a combination of them, as the Soviet Union is in no position to support them. So who's going to invade South Africa or supply arms to South African blacks with the South African military and para-military forces fully mobilised?.
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