Thread: TW2k13
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Old 04-22-2017, 07:21 PM
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Tegyrius Tegyrius is offline
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Originally Posted by swaghauler View Post
That's a shame after you invested so much in TW2K13. Your CUF rules are second to none and I use a simplified TICK system for Initiative. I also think your use of Qualifications as "subskills" was revolutionary.

I would love to see an "evolutionary" version of Twilight using the best features from all of the previous editions of the game.
I do appreciate the words. We did most of the design work on Reflex over 2006-07, so it's been a decade... and I have, over those years, occasionally thought about what I'd do differently. The answer is "a hell of a lot." Honestly, I think the initiative system would be the first thing to go. In my playtesting and demo games, it's the hardest thing for new players to pick up, which means it's a significant barrier to entry - or a massive logistical burden on the GM. I'd also move a lot of sub-rules, like encumbrance and survival, from rigid simulations to a more narrative approach. Unfortunately, in doing that, I think I'd alienate the small percentage of the 2.0/2.2 fan base that still likes Reflex too. So I'd basically be writing a game system just for me. Not much of a return on investment in that...

- C.
Clayton A. Oliver • Occasional RPG Freelancer Since 1996

Author of The Pacific Northwest, coauthor of Tara Romaneasca, creator of several other free Twilight: 2000 and Twilight: 2013 resources, and curator of an intermittent gaming blog.

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