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Old 06-06-2017, 06:41 AM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Realistically, placing an eight person team with two weeks of rations with six caches, each holding another two weeks worth of rations, doesn't take into effect the planned assumption for the Project is a wake-up 5 years after a nuclear exchange.

Consider the impact of that event, the complete break down of the transportation network, outside of Mormons and peppers, how many people have even a month's worth of food stockpiled? Local grocery stores have, at the most, perhaps a weeks worth of many grocery stores are in your home town?

But wait! We have small gardens and farms!!!! We can live off the land! We can hunt and fish, crisis averted!

Sorry friend, that nasty fallout from several hundred nuclear warheads is going to have some severe effects on the food supply. Basically, if the plants are not in a greenhouse, equipped with air filtration, it may not be edible without stringent decontamination, and how many survivors have the knowledge and the material to recon several tons of plants? As for wildlife, at the very least, it will be as severely affected as the human population.

So, by year 5, food is going to be a scarce commodity. There is a very distinct possibility that survivors may very well be reduced to cannibalism to stretch out scarce resources.

Now, you are one of the Project planners, you have access to all of the public, as well as the government studies on the the aftermath of a major nuclear exchange. Do you really believe that providing a team with, at most, two months of food supplies will keep a team going in a nuclear winter scenario? More realistically, the team is going to use their supplies for their own survival, let alone helping any survivors.

The reason behind providing the team's with significant food reserves is to give them the flexibility for extended operations as well as providing for supporting limited numbers of refugees.

Flame On!
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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