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Old 06-16-2017, 01:47 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

US in 2300 AD is a major power - not a super power - and never said they were a super power. And they can project power outside their region or they wouldnt have colonies or a space fleet or been a crucial part of the Kafer War.

Also much of the fan base has a lot of objections to HW and the drought - which can be addressed very easily without having to make the US a super power again.

The fallacy of many of the canon defenders is that unless you screw the US totally up they win the war and become a super power again.

That is incorrect - and 2300AD already addresses that and no need to change it all. The US from its inception until the Spanish American War really didnt stick its nose into other people's business outside of the Western Hemisphere. It was a regional power - not a super power and not a world power. It really wasnt until WWII that it became a true super power.

The Twilight War brings that to culmination and the US afterward rejects interfering in the world as a whole - it goes back to being a regional power as it was for most of its existence. Thus it allows the French to take the reins and is content to sit back and concentrate on itself and its own area.

And taking back the Southwest from Mexico doesnt change that in any way - still a regional power, still a major power but only regional and not super power. And Mexico still has its expansion to the South and into the Caribbean as seen in the canon.

So a few minor changes to HW make for a much more playable NA game where its not Aftermath, its not Fallout, its not Gamma World with human beings rare and far between - instead its the US of the first few NA modules that actually showed a very damaged country trying to recover - which is why it gave up hundreds of armored vehicles, artillery pieces, planes, etc.. in Europe to bring those men home to do so.

As for wasting my time and money - I am not wasting any money writing and what I do I do because I love it and its a labor of love - and also because it gives people new material for a game that I love.

And FYI - Africa is in 2300AD - and if you look at what I did in Kenya I basically set up the creation of Azania with the expansion of South Africa and thus presaged the canon for that area. And also the French expansion into Africa as well mentioned in the RDF and in 2300AD

As for convincing argument - I am not here to convince those who wont be convinced - I tried that several years ago and let myself get talked out of contacting the owner of the canon to see if he was interested in new material because I had several members state that what I was doing was a fool's errand. And thus I abandoned the effort as I couldn't convince others about the validity of the idea until I decided last year on my own to do it - and now we have new material.

Thus I will write and if Marc publishes it those who enjoy it will buy it and support it and those who wont will not - and that's ok - as was said in literally every module published originally in the 80's and 90's the material published was up to the GM if he wanted to use it or change it - and they will do so again

Oh and I dont intend to enlist others in what I am doing - I am encouraging others to write new canon material of their own and get it published - frankly I would love to see a tidal wave of new canon material not only revitalize the game but expand it and make it as popular as it ever was before. If that happens I will be totally happy even if what they write and publish goes against any possible ideas I have.

If not and I turn out to be the only writer of new canon material then so be it - but based on what Raellus posted here I am betting I am wrong.

Last edited by Olefin; 06-16-2017 at 01:56 PM.
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