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Old 09-01-2017, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Project_Sardonicus View Post
The problem with giving the team more and more super tec, you need to match it with their foes to make it interesting.

If the project gets Godzilla then Krell gets Mecha Godzilla and King Ghidora.

Besides if the project did develop a supersonic jet that didn't need gas, wouldn't someone in the government start asking questions?
True about balance but you could give it no or very light weapons. Or maybe just a chain gun but don't have much ammo in the local logistics chain (due to age?). Perhaps these are the first 3 prototypes that never advanced to combat testing.

It just seems like a perfect mix of smaller versions of CH-47 and the C-130. In a tactical game it allows for dropping a team behind enemy lines, or perhaps emergency evac. In a more strategic game it allows for small amounts of cargo, diplomats, scholars, medicine, etc to be moved quickly.

It would give an unfair recon advantage but if caught out of mach the KFS P-47s could make mince meat out of it. It also needs to land and any aircraft (even spectacularly advanced fusion powered ones) would spend 5 times the amount of time on the ground as in the air due to maintenance.

On the second note they never found out about fusion or cryo tubes. Yeah flying at Mach makes more noise (literally) but they don't need to know if is unfuled.
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