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Old 09-10-2017, 08:35 AM
.45cultist .45cultist is offline
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Originally Posted by RandyT0001 View Post
I think MP is more interested in the mental stability of their members than physical attributes. I think that people that test positive as diabetic that requires insulin injection would be rejected. Other extreme physical conditions may also disqualify a recruit.

The hardest part is the mental evaluation. It is difficult to judge how a person will react waking up five years post war (and more so 150 years post war) and face the devastation. MP has to screen for religious fanaticism. In my MP setting those that hide their fanaticism or develop religious fanaticism during training are separated from the teams and frozen in holding facilities. They are scheduled to be revived several years post recovery to minimize the possibility of one establishing a religious following as a messiah. Unfortunately, the attack on PB upset that and a few of the facilities were discovered by post war survivors several years after the war. This is the beginnings of the Frozen Chosen group.
If your PC have the skills and pass the behavior/ mental part, your PC will get a waiver, but expect a facility assignment.
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