Thread: Korean Omega
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Old 11-04-2017, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
And most likely by 2001 on the bottom of the ocean for sure - otherwise the Soviet destroyer group that took on the Virginia would have had more along with them

and Satellite Down made it very clear that the Soviet Pacific Navy was basically gone by 2001 - see the description of the ramshackle Soviet DD they put back in service in 1998 that the Virginia took out AFTER she was a beached wreck

Have a feeling any evacuation from Korea wont be facing Soviet ships if thats an accurate description of what they had left in the Pacific
This is precisely why I made this point

Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
(We can debate backwards and forwards on this board about how many ships various Navies might have operational by that stage in the War, but that's not my point - my point is that unless those charged with actually planning such a mission in the T2K timeline were confident that the risk of Soviet naval action against the fleet was minimal (or they felt they had adequate defences against any such action) there would be an element of risk attached)
You know that the Soviet Navy is in poor shape because it tells you that in a GDW module (it might be helpful for those of us who don't have that module if you could post the text you're referring to).

My point is in the T2K world staff officers in the USA and / or Korea / Japan considering a potential evacuation don't have that sort of information. They would have to deal with the intelligence that they had - and it's not as if they're going to be getting anything from satellites or Blackbird flights over Soviet naval bases. The mere rumour that there is a Soviet attack submarine active in the Pacific may be enough to make them reconsider putting 15,000 men aboard ships.

This isn't about the state of the Soviet Navy. It's about what state US planners think the Soviet Navy is in.
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