Thread: PBEM Game?
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Old 11-28-2017, 06:09 PM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Default GT One, Part 2

Like most of the government’s “temporary” structures, building seven had the typical worn-down look, of too much use and two little maintenance. In the back of the building an old swamp cooler grumbled as its fans passed slightly cool air into the building, a half dozen, slightly more modern fans swept the hot desert air around trying to keep the inside temperature tolerable.

A couple of dozen old wooden chairs are scattered around in clumps of two to five. At the front of the building an old wooden desk sits, one leg missing and supported by a couple of bricks.

As Recon Team 34 enters the building, Kathleen Drummond leaned against the desk with a clipboard clutched in her hands.

“Okay people! Take a briefing packet and grab a seat!”

After a few moments, the team is seated.

“Your briefing packets will give this briefing complete with color graphs, pretty pictures and lots and lots of flowing language. Big freaking deal! I’m going to give you the quick and dirty brief and then answer your questions! So, listen up people!”

“Your officially assigned to Operational Region Three, covering the south-eastern United States. You will be part of Combined Group Three one of four Recon Teams that will be working the western North Carolina, western South Carolina, eastern Tennessee and northeastern Georgia region. You will be operating in some rough terrain! The Smokie Mountains and Appalachia.”

“The team bolthole will be located some seventeen miles west of the town of Landrum, South Carolina. But your first mission is to conduct a reconnaissance of Charlotte, North Carolina. There is a Morrow Industries facility located in the suburb of Shopton, just south of the airport, it is a transshipment point for supplies being moved to two supply bases in the area. You are to ascertain damage to the facility, any remaining vehicles and supplies and notify Prime Base. You are not being asked to secure the facility, just determine what remains in useable condition.”

“Try to avoid movement on the Interstates at this time, try to remain as covert as possible. After you have determined the status of the facility, you are then clear to inspect the area between Gastonia, NC and north east to Triangle. Determine the status of Lake Norman as to its contamination level.”
“Don’t forget to file regular reports with your command team and with Prime Base! It is essential that you determine the extent of damage, the status of any natural and man-made resources that might aid the rebuilding effort and the location and status of any surviving population.”

“You will be assigned eight team resupply caches, two emergency resupply caches and three refugee assistance caches. Remember! Your resources are finite. You are not expected to hand out everything to anyone, but rather to use this material to assist the local survivors to the best of your ability!”

“Make contact with any other Morrow teams in the area, coordinate your efforts to assist the maximum number of people possible.”

“Above all else, Survive! You are of no use to us dead.”

For a moment Drummond stares at each one of you…

“You have been carefully selected and recruited for membership in this Project. We’ve given you the best training possible and you have excellent equipment, you are essential to the project. Use what you have and, if you have to make any sacrifice, make sure it’s for the right reasons.”

“Any questions?”

Zack Overstreet, Team Leader for Recon Team 34, leaned forward in his seat.

“Any idea on when the rest of the combined group be recalled?”

“At this time, no. Assume you will operating solo for at least some time. Prime Base will contact you with rendezvous info if necessary.”

“I’ve put in a request for additional surveillance equipment, any word on if that has been approved and when we will get this additional gear.”

“Logistics took your request and they have secured two spotting scopes for your team, they will be loaded with the vehicles in your bolthole.”
After a few moments,

“Any other questions?”

While other question were being asked, Zack looked over his notebook, noting for the thousandth time the team members and their assignments…

V-150 Fire Support Vehicle “Romeo Three Five Six”
Vehicle Commander/Team Leader: Zackery P. Overstreet Recon-Scout Specialist
Gunner: Sarah Leslie Sheppard: MARS Combat Operations/Contact Specialist
Driver: Daniel Raymond Chin: Recon-Vehicle Specialist/Engineering Specialist
Electronic Systems Operator: Clara Andrea Howe: Recon-Vehicle Specialist/Commo Specialist
Dismount: Doug Holloway: Recon Branch-Scout/Political Specialist

V-150 Team Support Vehicle “Romeo Three Five Five”
Driver: Ramon Jaime Valdez: Recon-Vehicle Specialist/Computer Specialist

Electronics Systems Operator: Rene Ursula Novak: Recon-Vehicle Specialist/Commo Specialist

Gunner: Quinn Vowles: Recon- Scout Specialist/Veterinary Medicine Specialist
Dismount: Amanda Charlotte Wesley: MARS-Combat Operations Specialist/Political Specialist
Dismount/Vehicle Commander: Victor Gabriel Rios: Recon-Scout Specialist/Asst Team Leader/
Agricultural Specialist

V-150 Team Support Vehicle “Romeo Three Five Four”
Vehicle Commander/ Electronics Systems Operator: Sean Malcolm Tatham: MARS-Security Specialist/Engineering Specialist
Driver: Philip Dumont: Recon-Vehicle Specialist/Economic Specialist
Gunner: Michel-Andre Duvivier: MARS-Combat Operations Specialist/Zoology Specialist
Team Medic: Peter Thomas: Science Branch, Medical Specialist
Dismount: Roger Todd Owens: Recon Branch-Scout Specialist/Communications Specialist
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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