Thread: Q Ships
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Old 10-09-2008, 02:33 AM
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Default high seas

Originally Posted by Marc
It seems difficult that these type of ships could operate efficiently before the beginning of the nuclear exchange, with airpower and global detection systems still in use. It could not be the same that in World War I or II, with German corsair ships playing their role since the first stages of the conflict. In the Europe depicted in the Twilight World, sea traffic seems nonexistent, so, soviet corsair ships will have little to do. But a world of infinite chances would be opened to any survivor merchant ship and its crew operating in zones less affected by the Twilight conflict. In these zones the sea traffic would still exist and a ship and its crew could became an important piece in the mechanics of any country or city-state.

And playing with my imagination, probably if the crew would be able to keep the ship working and safe from any government hands they will live a comfortable and profitable life. Charisma, savoir-faire, and the knowledge of commerce and local politics would be their better weapons. They could act as commerce raider for an independent patron or a government, as a free or contracted trader, as a pursuer of other traffic raiders... Or do all these things at the same time...

And if I were the captain, no matter my country of origin, I would try to forget about US, Soviet Union, Western Europe and all those old names that have passed to history in a silly and homicidal conflict... after all, the world has changed...

Ahhh!! And, following my imagination exercise and linking with the "French ORBAT" threat, my imaginary captain would do well in keep his eyes wide open for the possible arrival of the french fleet. Better keep them at a distance. They could mean the end of my independent life.

Mmmmmm... I think I have a new plot for a Twilight campaign...

It is a beautiful backdrop for a campaign- a bunch of people with different cool skills traveling around in a sea of endless possibilty on a ship of their own
making friends and enemies and having adventure all the while .No wonder half a score TV shows are about this..

Currently our campaign follows these line -I call it "the high seas campaign".Party is out on a Q-ship if you like -converted vintage yacht ,with a main quest of funding and killing someone high up in the enemy ranks,along the way they encounter all sorts of side missions and NPCs etc etc .

It would please me greatly if any of the craft in the shipping section of our site could be used in your campaign .
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