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Old 01-21-2018, 05:50 PM
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WallShadow WallShadow is offline
Ephemera of the Big Ka-Boom
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: near TMI
Posts: 574

Originally Posted by Panther Al View Post
Ok, let's say that the crips and bloods go nuclear on each other, and break out the really heavy stuff. How do you think the gov and local law enforcement would react?
For my money, contain them, constrict the perimeter, wait for one to get seriously short-handed, then start taking out anybody who showed colors.

Oh, yeah. Announce to the survivors that anyone wearing BOTH red and blue would be permitted to advance to an area where they could surrender, be photographed and be processed. Now THAT would cause a lot of soulsearching and quick negotiating or blowing away the nearest opposing color to get one of each. Plus, the photographic evidence of gang members' turncoating for a short-term advantage may not sit well with the true-believers in either gang, or with their street cred. Lots of PsyOps could prove effective and have long-lasting effects in defanging the gangs.

Last edited by WallShadow; 01-25-2018 at 05:43 PM.
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