Thread: Milgov&civgov
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Old 03-08-2018, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by unkated View Post
  • the head of the MidWest office of the FBI gets phone calls from both a General and a new Attorney General and has to decide who to listen to, or
  • a Base Commander gets orders from his superior to institute martial law to take control of a neighboring city without an order or permission from a civil authority to do so (breaking posse comitatus, the law that says that the US military cannot be used within the US for law enforcement unless ordered to do so by civil authority), or
  • a Colonel orders a power company to limit electricity distribution to a city population so it can be concentrated on military production factories.

Uncle Ted
Here what I see happening the head of the Mid West FBI office would mostly likely follow Attorney General as that what he has always done. However the
Special Agent in Charge (SAC) might question why is Attorney General giving orders and not the senior FBI staff.

Now the next on would be the opposite military officers would mostly likely follow the orders of a Superior Officer. the Base Commander might have reservations especially if deadly force was call for. But given that nukes had used and country I wouldn't see him acting otherwise.

Now the last case is the easiest the power company might listen to the colonel or not. It depends dose he make this request in person with armed troops or dose phone it in.
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