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Old 04-12-2018, 12:34 AM
Enfield Enfield is offline
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Originally Posted by DocFirefly View Post

I've read that one. My choice would be to eat a bullet- two if possible.

What I'm mostly adopting from Crossed is that there are more impulses than just eat and kill. Basically my infected become rabid beasts, with rudiments of human intelligence. Perhaps somewhat like the creatures from Omega Man/I am Legend. Essentially, they are hostile to non-infected--no one yet knows why--and see animals and other humans as prey, generally. However they may also have the urge to mate, and they may appear cruel and sadistic, but this is less the creative mad cruelty of the Crossed and more that they have no inhbitions. Nearly all lack the ability to use anything more than the most basic technology rather in the manner of an ape or monkey. That is, they might bash at you with a baseball but but it's only because they had it on hand.

Also like the Crossed, I wanted them to be capable of eating, drinking and resting, otherwise, as I see it, the plague, since it crashes and burns so quickly, would end in a matter of days.
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