Thread: Krell OOB
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Old 06-27-2018, 06:53 PM
gamerguy gamerguy is online now
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Sorry I have no input. In the campaign I played in Krell was the boogeyman as it was mostly based in the northern fringes of the US and southern Canada from the Rockies to the Great Lakes. I am following this as I always wanted to wargame a Krell based series of scenarios.

With that in mind a TOE concentrating mostly on company sized units would be great.

In the campaign I was in Krell's troops used horses for almost all transport. They had bases/forts or requisitioned local lodgings. You were basically expected to house and provide for a unit of troops as protection for your town. Think taxes with a more direct and visible benefit. It was the whole town's responsibility. If you didn't or fell short then a larger unit would arrive and demand a larger share of the town's supplies. Usually leaving just enough for three quarter's of the town's population to make it through the next winter. It was expected the shirkers were the ones who fared the worst.
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