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Old 07-13-2018, 07:31 AM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

There definitely will still be operable radio stations and the like still on the air - which by the way is canon (i.e. Urban Guerrilla) and you will see people with battery powered radios and the like still able to pick up the signals. Also in areas with electricity you may even have functional tv stations - think the area around Colorado Springs (nuclear power plant), France and Belgium (damaged but still functional and modern societies), most likely military radio still on the air in the Middle East and Kenya where the US forces still have fuel and power

And there may also be figures that are like the woman in Fear the Walking Dead or the biographer in World War Z who are going around getting people's stories because thats what they do and someone has to pass down what happened

You could see intact radio stations (whatever their size) also doing things like telling people how to survive as well - i.e. how to find out if water or food is contaminated, how to butcher an animal or make their own medicines using folk recipes, etc.. - as well as also playing old songs and propaganda for whoever controls the area they are in
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