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Old 10-16-2018, 08:19 AM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Originally Posted by Desert Mariner View Post
Your training regime is very similar to the one I have fleshed out. Mine is a bit longer and only includes 4 phases as I took the training times from 4e TM 1-1 (I also used the major branch breakouts listed in TM 1-1). Overall, I might like to see the Team phase extended as this is where cadre dynamics will gel and cross-training will take place. In my current regime, a (d6+1) is added to the chosen skill/specialty, this allows the players to use their full complement of calculated training points for background skills up to the time they join the project.

Excerpt from Appendix C of my OCIE Supplement…
Project training illustrated below is in addition to the character’s previous experience. As described in TM-1-1, Project training is broken into four (4) phases: Basic, Branch, Specialty and Team.

Training durations are based on the training times described in TM-1-1, Basic (3-12 months), Branch (9-12 months), Specialty (4 months) and Team (calculated at 4 months as no specifics are included in TM-1-1) for a range of 20-32 months. This would add 20+1d12 months to the characters age.

Phase I (Basic Project Training) (3-12 months)
• Athletics – physical training for all project recruits and includes time spent in all phases of MP training; though later phases may or may not be as intense physically as Phase I
• Brawl – basic hand-to-hand combat maneuvers
• Communications (Radio) – use of Project radio equipment and protocols
• Drive (MPV) – operation of wheeled Project vehicles
• Firearms – basic firearms safety and marksmanship (doesn’t provide benefit beyond 20% skill)
• First Aid – basic first aid and wound treatment
• Melee Weapon (Knife) – the basics of self-dense armed with a knife
• Swim – basic strokes
• Thrown Weapon (Grenade) – did you really think we’d issue hand grenades to everyone without teaching you what to do with them?
• Choice: Brawl, Construction, Emergency Procedures, Gunnery (Land), Hunt (Track), Maintenance (Electrical), Maintenance (Mechanical), Martial Arts, Navigation (Land), Navigation (Map Making), Observe, Psychology, Stealth, Survival (Wilderness), Tactics
You list many of these skills with a specialization. How do you handle this when the base skills is still below 20%? Do you add the d6+1 to the base skill until it is 20% and put the remainder into the specialization? Just curious.
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