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Old 02-09-2021, 04:02 PM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
I think that's a valid point but, at the risk of getting pedantic, during the Civil War, entire regions aligned themselves with one side or the other. Yeah, maybe a couple of South Carolinians joined up with Union forces, and a couple of Pennsylvanians aligned with the Confederacy, but, by and large, the allegiances of citizens lay with their state governments' respective decisions re secession.
Doesn't that make an argument that many personnel may declare allegiance to the Government that is in charge in their local area, from expediency if for no other reason? I mean, if you're in a (insert Federal Agency of choice) Field Office that's many miles inside MilGov territory declaring loyalty for MilGov would probably be a prudent choice for many.

Sure, there will be exceptions, the loyalists that are prepared to put conviction over expediency, the ones that say 'nope, we're not siding with traitors, we're going to make for the other side's territory'. But I could see them being the outliers. Dependent on the distances and risks involved, I'm not sure many people are going to make that decision.

It's not something that I'd ever thought about before (and hadn't really until Desert Mariner made his post about it being piecemeal), I'm just thinking that it could be piecemeal but based on geography rather than conviction on the individual level (I don't doubt that in the bigger picture, the titular Agency heads are likely to declare their Agency's loyalty to one of the two Governments, but my point is how many Federal Agents based in Colorado Springs are going to say 'hey, we're with Civgov!' and potentially get themselves thrown in jail. Or for balance how many Federal Agents in Omaha are going to openly declare for MilGov?).

Just a thought.
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